Healing hearts through therapeutic arts

Art Healing Hearts is a non-profit charity organization that serves a unique purpose: To help people process grief and pain through artistic expression. From acrylic to oil paints, we believe that expressing yourself through the visual arts promotes catharsis and rejuvenation.


About Us

Helping others through artistic expression <3

We go where the need is! Because participants in our program often have traumatic brain injuries, severe mental illness, and struggles with addiction — we bring healing opportunities to them in various facilities around the country.


People of all ages experiencing homelessness and/or abuse.

Convalescent Homes

Elderly people and others in long-term care centers.

Youth Detention Centers

Young people who are confined in correctional facilities.

Mental Health Facilities

People living in residential care for mental health struggles.

Healing Hearts

A little paint can take you pretty far...

Hundreds of people have been inspired by our program and have continued painting on their own terms. Some participants have even turned pro!



We need your help to keep helping them!

Art supplies are pricey, and they are our primary expense. Donate $20 to buy supplies for one program participant!


If you live in the Las Vegas, NV area and would like to volunteer, please contact us!

Partner or Sponsor

Art Healing Hearts is always looking for new sponsorships! Every dollar helps!

Keep us going!

We need your help raising funds to keep the Art Healing Hearts program going!

Join Us

Want to get involved?

Volunteer with us, donate to the program, or support us on social media! There are lots of ways to get involved!

Our Support

Partners & Sponsors: